Friday, July 20, 2007

"Tell me about yourself"

Killer question, the most dreaded one that everyone is likely to face in an interview.
And if you start "I am ___(profession) working for ___, looking for ____", you are jeopardizing your chances of further being interviewed honestly. Your CV tells all this, hence, you have to be a bit imaginative and the problem is that there is no correct and definitive answer for this question.

What the heck the interviewer is looking for, or is this just an ice-breaker, you never know.
For a technical guy, this is just an opening question, he would be more interested in grilling you on the tech stuff. But, for a HR guy, this is a decision making question, and would be more interested in your response.

K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid) is the key, Do not begin with what is there in the objective column of your CV. Project yourself as someone who is looking for a change for a genuine reason and not trivial reasons such as more salary(is it really trivial:)?, yes, atleast in the context of the interview).

What you are professionally, what have you done and how efficiently, and what are you expecting and how do you fit into the new role are the questions you need to ask yourself before answering this question. Stress a bit more about the recent assignment and how you can carry forward that experience to the new assignment.

Now, coming back to the question "Tell me about yourself", answer something like,
'Well, myself a(n) ___ , performing____ for the past ___, gained a lot in this area like______. In my recent asignment(s), I am doing/have transformed/responsible for bringing down/responsible for improving____ which I had done/am doing/is progressing in the right direction successfully. What I want more is _____ and it(new role) seems to be perfectly aligned with my career goals and I love taking up newer challenges(if the role demands a bit more than your skillset in your CV and could be higher role)"

Provide some examples, and develop a curiosity in the interviewer, so that he will start asking about that and that way you can take the interview in your direction.