Saturday, February 21, 2009

Naan Kadavul - movie in parts

Bala- inexplicable phenomenon, proves that again in naan kadavul, the dichotomic worlds of 2 humans, one who thinks he is everything and the other, who thinks she is nothing is depicted by him in the reels. Bala's world is always different, he sees the people who are unnoticed by majority of us, in Sethu, he depicted the world of mentally ill, in Nanda, a son who loves his mother very much that he kills his father, and in Pithamagan, a man who has not had any social life and raw in all counts. Here he is, again shows us a world most of us do not know.

One is the world of aghori babas, who worship kala bhairava, lord shiva's third face. They believe that they are the gods, and they are the ones who can liberate a soul from the vicious cycle births and deaths. They have no atrtachments to anything in the world, they mediatate all the time and have their own world, which is not governed by any law.

Other is the world of physically deformed persons who have no choice but to become beggars, and are controlled by mafia who takes away the earnings and provide them just food. Bala shows that they have a life too and they keep themselves happy by pulling each others' legs and form a group of close friends. Their physical disability keep them away from doing any aactivity that a normal person does, but their minds are the same and they have aspirations too. But the world is so ruthless that a normal person gets lost in its myriad spaces and in fact very few can make it too the top, and these beggars have no choice but to live a life of misery.

But, one problem is the introduction of these two worlds that became very lengthy, that till the interval, the movie has not started yet, and people cannot digest the raw scenes, censors had cut a few scenes, possible that thoes scenes could be more raw. Then after the interval, the movie, starts, but it becomes something of the routine stuff that when you reach out to the God, God will extend help and take care of baddies and one thing new here is, the one who reaches out to God does not live a happy worldly life, but is given salvation and the baba continues his wolrdly, but non-materialistic life.

Lot of lose ends, like the father, recognising his son after 14 years, but still, the films depicts that the world is a nice place to live only for the haves and not for have-nots, world as such is one place, but there are a hell lot of real worlds within, isolated world of babas, mafia world, beggars' world. Brutally honest!