Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tata Crucible 2007 Bangalore Prelims Questions

Happened to attend the Tata Crucible business quiz in Bangalore this saturday.
Noted down the prelims questions, and they are here:

1. With which movie the Happy Meal programme in McDonalds started?
2. What is the world's most expensive spice by weight?
3. What name suggested by Dhiraj ben Ruparel in a contest held in 1962 for Rs.5 which is famous brand in India?
4. Danjaq LLC holds the copyright trademark for this famous character.
5. BUSINESS AS UNUSUAL, the journey of ____ represents a lady. Identify her(in the world of business)
6. Fashion Designer, named her famous design after her favorite brand of car, even predicted that the pubic hair would be great fashion accessory.
7. Who's final book, published in 1993, is titled 'The New Economics: For Industy, Goverement, Education'?
8. From, LEGO, what are Mindstorms?
9. What was the name originally registered by Apple for internet kiosks, but never used for that?
10. Crown Logo, for a beer brand, clue: top selling beer in Mexico.
11. We all know about Air Force 1, Marine 1. But what is the US presidential limo called as?
12. Which Indian hospitality group has collaborated with CNN to produce a TV series called 'The Eye of India in the world of Hospitality'?
13. Which organisation was the first to place an order with TELCO?
14. Fund raising for took place in the coffee shop of which store?
15. Visual: 3 runners(actually 1 in 3 positions) and the words: 'I am the bullet in the chamber'
3 legendary words follow in the other side(not shown), Identify the brand?
16. Airtel is launching something called WAYF? what is it?
17. Before and during WW-II, which company designed the attire for Nazi German Govt Off? Famous brand.
18. Which is the oldest continuousy produced brand name in recorded sound dating back to 1888?
19. Titan Eye wear range, name it?
20. Identify them. 2 dogs-visual. legendary name is business, Think of a mascot?
21. Which film production house has celebrated 60 years, started in 15 Aug 1947, has Goddess Saraswati in its logo?
22. - search engine - who's?
23. "Flying Sun" logo, in the world of Indian Aviation?
24. Some question about Donald Trump's 'The Apprentice', the phrase 'You are fired' is used in it, What is the equivalent phrase in the Martha Stewart's verion of the serial 'The Apprentice:Martha Stewart'?
25. Video:Identify the advertiser. Some video on penguins, and finally the Tagline, "Fortunately, some species have it easy"

1. Startrek
2. Saffron
3. Lijjat Papad
4. James Bond
5. Anita Roddick
6. Mary Quant
7. Edwards Deming
8. Computer Programmable Bricks
9. i-pod
10. Corona
11. Cadilac-1
12. Oberoi
13. Ind Rlys
14. Barnes & Noble
15. Nike
17. Hugo Boss
18. Columbia Records
19. Eye +
20. Nipper and Chipper
21. Rajshri
22. Microsoft
23. Jet Airways
24. 'You are fired'
25. Denim


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